Uttil PAUK06 test with PLA

UTTIL's Holistic Strategy for Environmental Responsibility.

UTTIL is proactively working on multiple fronts to tackle the environmental challenges of using plastics and producing hand tools. Let us now summarise each of UTTIL's actions:

Material Innovation:

UTTIL's R&D efforts aim to discover new materials or utilise found raw materials that can reduce the consumption of petroleum-based plastics, which is a critical step in minimising the environmental footprint of its products. UTTIL is actively trying to get to the root of the plastic problem by using alternative materials.

Chemical Structure:

UTTIL ensures that all products it uses are clean enough to be in contact with food, regardless of their nature. When we say contact with food, we mean using chemical materials that are not likely to threaten human health within the framework of international regulations. All raw materials used in UTTIL products are REACH and/or RoHS certified by their nature. UTTIL makes the utmost effort to keep chemicals that harm humans and nature away from all its products and production processes, and all UTTIL products are 100% recyclable. Although UTTIL makes maximum effort to ensure that its products do not contain substances such as dioxins, phthalates, lead, chromium, nickel, etc., which have been declared harmful, UTTIL continuously audits and regulates its manufacturing to keep the chemicals required for production within the limits determined by the regulations and even below these values when possible.  

Product Design for Longevity: 

UTTIL ensures customers do not need to replace them frequently by designing tools for long-term use. This approach provides economic benefits for the customer and reduces waste.

Recycling Program:

A recycling programme in its manufacturing processes strongly indicates UTTIL's commitment to the circular economy. This approach helps minimise waste by ensuring that production residues are reused and recycled to the maximum extent without affecting quality standards.

Production Losses: 

Plastic raw materials usually enter the warehouse in lentil-sized pieces in sacks. These plastic particles can be scattered around, no matter how much attention is paid during the processes, from stacking in the warehouse, opening the pack for production, putting it in and out of the drying oven, to loading it into the melting furnace. Reasons such as rupture of the sack, loss of balance, leaving the mouth of the mixing vessel open, loss of balance of the tray coming out of the drying oven, and carelessness of the employee caused such scattering.

A large part of the industry includes these losses in the wastage rates. Still, these scattered parts, which have lost their quality of use by contamination, are swept or thrown into the factory garden, waste sewerage, or, at best, the garbage heap. These scattered parts also cause environmental pollution by mixing with nature and the ocean. On the other hand, the enterprises that recycle the production waste recycle the waste back to production by separating them into small pieces in various crushing machines. During this process, some plastic turns into micro-plastics which cannot be processed, and some turn into nano-plastics that even mix into the air. 

UTTIL has voluntarily taken measures to prevent these leaks and training its workforce. By taking such steps, UTTIL manages to avoid leaks of microplastics in the recycling area and to transfer the raw material to the production area without scattering. All employees meticulously monitor how to collect the raw material in case of possible spillage and how to dispose of the collected unusable raw materials.

Consumer Education: 

Educating consumers about the materials UTTIL uses in its products is the key to raising sustainability awareness. In this way, customers can make more informed decisions by considering the environmental impact of the products they purchase.

Together, these efforts show that UTTIL is committed to sustainable practices and is an example of how companies can incorporate sustainability into their business models.

By working on innovative use of materials, longer product lifetime, recycling initiatives and consumer education, UTTIL continues its endeavour to take a comprehensive and informed approach to the problem of plastic waste from many angles.