Falchata, Shoemaker knife

A Utility Knife is Not a Falchata (Shoemaker Knife)

A Utility Knife is Not a Falchata (Shoemaker Knife)

Utility knives, which we frequently encounter in daily life and are used in many different fields, are often referred to as "falçata" in Turkish. However, a utility knife and a falchata are actually two different tools. This article will discuss the differences between a utility knife and a falchata, why a utility knife is called a falchata, and the correct usage areas.

What is a Utility Knife?

As the name suggests, a utility knife is a cutting tool generally used for fine work such as model making, cardboard cutting, and paper cutting. Utility knives usually consist of replaceable and breakable blades. These blades typically have a plastic or metal body and are ergonomically designed to make them easier to use.

Utility knives are ideal for precision cutting, and their blades can be easily changed and adjusted. These features make utility knives indispensable in hobby work, crafts, graphic design and similar fields.

What is a falchata?

A falchata is a cutting tool used primarily in the shoe and leather industry. The name falchata comes from the Italian falcietto, "small scythe or small sickle", and has nothing to do with Iberian Falcata (cutlass). Falchata has fixed blades and can be sharpened as needed.

They are actually shoemaker's knives, used for cutting thicker and more durable materials. The shoemaker's knife (falchata) is made of 2-3 mm thick, 2-3 cm wide steel lath. The tip of the blade is sharpened with a curved (hook) or 3-6 cm long blade cut at a 30-degree angle. The steel slat used is usually 15-20 cm long, and depending on needs, it might curved.

Differences Between Utility Knife and Falcata

1. Blade Type and Construction:

·       Utility Knife: It has replaceable or breakable blades, which are generally suitable for fine and precise cutting.

·       Falchata (shoemaker knife): It is fixed and needs to be sharpened from time to time. However, the blade is thicker and more durable, making it ideal for heavy cutting tasks such as cutting cowhide leather.

2. Uses:

·       Utility Knife: This knife is used for precision cutting in hobbies, crafts, model making, and graphic design.

·       Falchata (shoemaker knife): This knife is used for cutting heavy materials such as shoes, leather, and cowhide leather.

3. Body and Ergonomics:

·       Utility Knife: Usually consists of a plastic or metal body and has an ergonomic design.

·       Falchata (shoemaker knife): It is made of bare metal lath and has no ergonomic structure. It is used with leathery hilt or a leather strip around the hand-held part according to the preference of who uses it.

Why is a Utility Knife Called a Falchata?

A utility knife is called a falçata in Turkish because, in the past, all of the very sharp cutting tools used in similar jobs were called "falchata". Falchatas, frequently used by shoe and leather industry workers, have caused other cutting tools to be called the same name over time. However, with the advancement of technology and the introduction of new cutting tools, this confusion of terms has continued.

Correct Uses of Utility Knife

Utility knives are highly functional and safe when used in the right areas. Here are some common uses for utility knives:

·       Model Making: Utility knives are excellent for model-making jobs that require delicate and precise cutting. They are mainly used for cutting and shaping plastic models.

·       Graphic Design: Used for cutting cardboard, paper and similar materials to facilitate graphic design work.

·       Handicrafts: These are used for cutting wood, foam, and other craft materials.

·       Unpacking: A fast and effective solution for opening boxes and packages.

Safety Tips

There are some safety tips to be aware of when using utility knives. Here are some of these tips:

·       Use the Blade in the Right Direction: Always use the blade so that it cuts away from you.

·       Keep the Knife Steady: Hold the knife steady while cutting and guide the material towards the blade.

·       Use a Cutting Mat: Use a cutting mat to prevent damage to your work surface and for safer cutting.

·       Store the Knife After Use: Keep the utility knife in a safe place when not in use.

·       Be Careful: Be careful when using a utility knife, and do not lose concentration.

Utility knives and falchata are cutting tools with different uses and characteristics. While a utility knife is ideal for precise and fine cutting, a falchata is mainly used by shoemakers to cut thicker and more durable materials.

At UTTIL, we aim to provide you with the best solutions for all kinds of cutting jobs by offering a variety of utility knives for different needs. Our utility knives are built with high quality and durability, prioritizing ease of use and safety. Remember, using the right tools can get the job done more safely and efficiently.